Tuesday, February 8, 2011


once again sorry for being MIA....

Things are still crazy, the car still is not working.

Work has been super busy as I have been subbing full days for the past 2 weeks and I am preparing for a job interview (within the center I work at) for a full time position, I am super, super nervous about it when I know that I shouldn't be.

Another busy thing that has been happening is at work we are starting to prepare to get ready for the realy for life, we did it last year in memory of a co worker and are doing it again this year again in her memory but also for some of us for more personal reasons, this year it really hits home for me because my brother in law has cancer he found out in november that he had it after not feeling good for a couple of months, and just recently found out type and stage and has started chemo treatment.

Any way I need to go eat some supper.

Catch ya'll on the flip side

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